12 Weight Loss Guidelines - My Success Formula

Make sure you track on your weight? Follow these 12 simple tips that will surely help you get in shape.
The weight loss formula:
1. First Write down your goals for weight loss. Make sure that each goal is realistic, and that you include a time line. Break down large, long-term goals into monthly or weekly goals, so you can stay in the field without feeling the pressure. It is important to put these goals on paper, and write them to the place where you will see them every day.
2. Every time you achieve your goal, reward yourself with something. For best results, that reward should not be any form of food. Reward yourself with new healthier life style or 30-minute massage, a new video-cassette for the exercise, a new piece of clothing - anything that celebrates you and your success without sabotage.
3. Drink plenty of water. Stay hydrated while drinking 30 ml of pure (filtered mineral) water for every one pound of your body weight. That means, if you yearn 68 pounds, you need to drink 2.25 liters of water every day - it was between 9 and 10 glasses of 2.5 dl. It is important not to drink large amounts of water at once, because it damages the kidneys.
Drink a glass of water immediately after waking up. And, during the day, any time you feel your energy starts to decline, drink another glass. Pure filtered mineral water can actually improve your mood.
4. Eat a nutritious breakfast. Start your day with nutritious meals, and include some form of protein. For maximum energy and concentration throughout the day, include complex carbohydrates, for example, natural whole grain cereal or bread, as well as reduced-fat proteins, like skim milk, cottage cheese, yogurt or low fat.
5. Become motivated to exercise daily. Your daily exercise program need not be strenuous. You just need to be persistent. And there are lots of ways to avoid boredom and increase the excitement of daily exercise. Try to walk or run outside instead of on the treadmill. Take advantage of beautiful spring weather for biking or rollerblading. Listen to motivating audio-book or MP3 while you exercise.
6. Eat for health. Thinking about food in terms like 'how much you pay and get. " Choose foods full of nutrients.
7. Eat for energy. Whenever you overeat, your body starts to lose energy. Think of food as a fuel. Keep a diary of energy where you write down how your body and mind react to different choices of food.
8. Help your mind and spirit to accept your new body image with the techniques for changing behavior.
9. Subscribe to the magazine on healthy living and fitness. These magazines contain articles on a reduced calorie, nutrient rich recipes - as well as inspiring stories of success in weight loss.
10. Stop eating after dinner. For dinner, choose a light meal, preferably with as little carbohydrates and try to eat until 7 at night.
11. Join a support group. It can be a group composed of family members or neighbors - all who are committed to improving your health - or just an online community for weight loss (eg forums). Talk about daily challenges and victories is very motivating.
12. Monitor and record their efforts for the loss of too much weight to the last detail. This can be achieved by hand-drawn chart, a simple table of the computer program, or by using logs or online communities. Track your food intake, water intake, and exercise during the day. And be sure to weigh each week at the same time, to be able to follow and results in weight loss, too.
Want to learn more about weight loss? Try here!

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